Earlier this year, virtual fashion start-up RTFKT dropped a mysterious NFT titled "MNLTH", a metallic cube that was decorated with its logo alongside Nike's iconic Swoosh. Since then, owners of said NFT have been on a journey completing "quests" posed by RTFKT in a bid to discover the cube's contents.
Now though, after almost three months of waiting, it has been revealed that each cube in fact contains a pair of virtual sneakers dubbed Nike Cryptokicks, which are based on the famous Nike Dunk silhouette and will be customisable with eight RTFKT-made skins.
RTFKT - which was acquired by Nike in late 2021 - was founded in January 2020 and has worked on collaborations with the likes of Jeff Staple and Lexus, as well as Takashi Murakami, whose Clone X NFT remains one of the most successful to-date.
Cryptokicks is expected to be the first of many digital launches from Nike and RTFKT, with rumours already circulating of more releases in the pipeline as early as next month. For now, you can find out more about Nike Cyptokicks from the video above, but anticipate for more drops in the near future.